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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/4/13 8:54:14  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

service. Signing a long-term cooperative agreement with many world-famous liner companies, we can make arrangement of the appropriate liner for all kinds of imported and exported goods and provide a timely schedule for allocation of cargoes and the cargo pickup and delivery service by trailers。
Special containers business like: putting   suitcase, open top containers, the framework containers, 45-foot containers, refrigerated containers, such as TANK containers. 加工:加工包括包装、缠绕、贴标签、挑选、混装、刷标记等。包装分工业包装、商品包装和定期木箱包装等
 公铁联运 整车零担 仓储中转 包装托运 代办货物保险 车辆齐全
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