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刚果 埃塞俄比亚 毛里求斯 肯尼亚 索马里 不丹 帝汶岛 韩国
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/7/27 9:43:05  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

企业宗旨    :诚信.高效.开拓.创新
企业理念    :客户.员工.企业共同发展
企业精神    :敬业.敬人
服务理念    :客人永远是对的
团队意识    :精诚团结.众志成诚
人才观      :以人为本.人尽其才.适用即人才ASIA GRACEengaged in the international and domestic air transport of goods, and with many famous domestic and foreign airlines established good cooperative relations, trade and transfer of goods Acting general business operations
Business sopes: According clients entrusted, plan air transport operations

Imports. Audit clients and the list of counties, transit / declaration, tax, and report inspection, storage, withdrawals, transfers to the designated locations.
Exports. Audit clients and the list of counties,making various documents, booking, declaration, inspection and storage reported that the delivery to the airport, transport expenses clearing

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