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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016/4/28 15:04:50  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

我们有着多年的优质拼箱服务经验,拥有遍布全球的海外服务代理服务网点。更快捷、便利的目的港分拨 能使您更早的提到货物。此外我们还提供特色代理拼箱服务,如: HEAD-LOAD, BUYERCONSOL,清关以及内陆转运,危险品运输,重大件操作等。
所有的海外代理网点都经过精心挑选,并且有着长期良好的合作关系,形成区域化服务联盟。同时为国内 客户的进口贸易提供来自全球各大主要港口的海外出口操作服务支撑,并为小货量业务提供进口拼箱服务。
我们的海外网络服务现已形成了完整、统一的运输和物流体系,使您的运输无国界!    Our company has a variety of flexible and diversified import channels, the operator proficient in customs laws and regulations, can help customers deal with the import clearance of goods difficult.
   Express customs clearance of goods for an emergency.
    A. The procedure is simple, simple customs supervision conditions, do not document without approval, some electronic equipment that can be imported without 3C.
    B. fast, next day arrival, type.
    C. If the volume of large batches can be used daily customs duty customs import side package features:
    D. express packages tax declaration does not provide tax receipts, tax receipts can not be deducted.
    E. Hong Kong's imports pick up today, sent the next day, door-stop service!
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