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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2015/12/1 9:47:03  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

    3、费用优:快件包费,公斤或按货值计价。(每公斤的计 价中,包括运费、税费及手续费)
    4、速度快:当天收货,1-2天货物可到深圳。(大货、柜货一样可以 快速清关,价格优惠低廉)。
    5、通关能力:公司 报关人员熟知海关法律法规,与海关、检验检疫局等政 府部门关系良好,能灵活处理货物,使货物能顺利、快 速、安全通关。
    主要代理产品有婴儿奶粉、纸尿片、各类食品、保健品、干海参、宠物粮食、颜料、染料、油墨、家电,家具、服装、化妆品、猪牛羊皮革、皮具箱包、五金制品、各类机械设备、纺织品、模具,IC,电子产品、塑胶粒、五金等,可签订运输合同,送货到门,货到付款;licensed NVOCC (No. 06512) established in 2011. We also own NVOCC Bond in USA and registered in FMC. We are the member of WCA, member ID 90309. We mainly specialize in North & South America market, moreover we have competitive advantage in Europe, Mediterranean, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia market and etc. We guarantee reliable and passionate service to our clients with our competitive price and honesty. We have established a very close cooperation with EMC, CSCL, MSC, COSCO & ANL, and obtained exclusive advantage and support from them.
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