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Norrkoping, Sweden海空运口岸驻场关务
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2013/11/14 9:09:11  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

■ 提供办理进出口货物的报关、报检、加工贸易手册申领及核销、办理免表、进境备案登记等进出口手续
■ 提供国内主要城市各海空运口岸驻场关务服务
■ 资深操作团队提供快速、专业服务
■ 针对特殊客户提供个性化服务
■ 优质服务保证客户利益最大化     The company now possesses an extensive customs bonded warehouse. It can offer comprehensive and efficient cargo service including transport the listing service, custom declaration, storage, transit transportation at home, Custom clearance, network service of the computer, etc. The company has a completely Operating system of the computer and the system of EDI, which have directly connected with the computer networks of the customs.

         Our vertical management system includes GM office, Administration Department, Finance Department, Computer Department, Import Department, Export Department, Customs declaration department, sales department and Storage management.

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