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Klaipeda(KPD), Lithuania港口海运
作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2013/5/21 9:13:02  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

2.《普惠产地证Form A》 :具有法律效力的我国出口产品在给惠国享受在最惠国税率基础上进一步减免进口关税的官方凭证;
3.《东盟产地证Form E》:专用于证明中国-东盟自贸区产品享受自贸区优惠关税待遇;
4.《智利产地证Form F》:出口智利的“金质证书”;
5.《亚太产地证Form M》:中国-亚太地区”给予关税优惠,其关税优惠幅度从0%-30%不等;
6.《中巴产地证FORM P》:中国-巴基斯坦自由贸易区,优惠原产地证明书;
8.《秘鲁产地证》 :中国—秘鲁自贸区,优惠证明书;
二、大使馆加签/商会认证服务:in China.She stretches out to the oceanfreight,airfreight,inland trucking,warehousing,customs clearance,insurance,transfershipments etc.And now CJI impressed our customers deeply through all the staff' great joint efforts and professional service.

With the powerful strength,CJI keeps good relationship with carriers as well as build up reliable and stable partnership.Besides,She will file rates with APL,CSCL,EVERGREEN,MAERSK,HAPAG-LIOYD,WHL,YITONG,China Southern Airlines,Asiana Airline every month.Especially,we have much advantage in Euro,American,Mid-East,South-East Asia,Africa,Med etc.With the development day by day,CJI will start to cooperate with more carriers to meet our customers' need as well as our line service.


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