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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/10/18 9:03:26  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

中文名称:  墨尔本
外文名称:  Melbourne
别名:  新金山
行政区类别:  首府
所属地区:  澳大利亚
电话区号:  【国际】61-3,【本地】03
地理位置:  澳大利亚东南部
面积:  8831平方公里
人口:  407万(2010年6月)
方言:  英语
气候条件:  温带海洋性气候
著名景点: 大洋路,企鹅岛,维多利亚市场,墨尔本皇家植物园等
机场:  墨尔本国际机场
高等学府:  墨尔本大学,皇家理工大学
城市座右铭:  随行聚力
import and export by marine transportation

We have rich experience in operation of special equipments and containers. We can also offer various suggestions for FCL and LCL according to different demands. We have setup a service network which connecting hundreds of ports of call around the world including North and South America, South and East Asia, Africa, Australia, European and Caribbean ports, etc. In order to get good service, DO please make the inquiry before transportation because of the changeable freight from time to time

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