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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012/10/9 8:12:19  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Sound warehouse management makes difference for your business performance.LouLan's professional management aims to make it a more cost-effective operation by improving inventory accuracy, reducing inventory levels, close coordination with carriers and scientific management. In addition, your capital expenditures will be minimized this way as we own or lease the warehouse facilities.
We offer a full range of warehousing services, including traditional stocking, labeling, container stuffing, packaging. A well-structured distribution system that carries your products to customers efficiently anywhere in China is essential to your business success. LouLan works closely with a strong distribution network to provide you product distribution solution throughout Canada. Regardless of the size or quantities of your products, your products will be handled with the same care at LouLan.
Cargo Insurance
We understand that cargo insurance is an important part of international trade, so we provide specialized expertise to make best use of insurance and minimize the cost and risk.
 We handle relevant insurance documentation, arrange payment of premiums and report and assist you in claim settlement. Whatever your requirements are, wherever the problem lies, we do our best in working with you and for your benefit.槟城(英文名:Penang、马来文名:Pulau Pinang、爪夷文:بينانج‎)
  州格言: Bersatu dan Setia(团结和忠诚)
  州歌: Untuk Negeri Kita(为吾州)
  州元首:敦阿都拉曼(Tun Dato' Seri Utama Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas)
  经纬度:N 5°24',E 100°14'。 槟城:意指岛屿本身,素有“东方花园”美誉,马来西亚旅游胜地之一。 槟城州范围包括: 槟岛:位于马六甲海峡,行政上划分为两个地方政府,即东北县和西南县, 威省:地名是根据英文旧称Province Wellesley翻译,然而独立后官方已正名为Seberang Perai, 位于马来半岛西海岸面对槟岛的部分,行政上划分为三个地方政府即威北,威中及威南。 首府乔治市在槟榔岛东北方,是马来西亚第二大城市。也是一个古老历史文化的城市。2011年槟城州人口已经超出160万,其中华族占42%,马来族占41%、印度人占9.7%。 沿海为狭长的平原,内陆多山地,岸外小岛包括木寇山(Jerejak Island)等。
  槟城州的首府乔治市,面积23平方千米,人口约24.8万,位于槟榔屿岛东北部,马六甲海峡北口,槟榔屿海峡西岸。离大陆3.2千米。年平均气温26.9℃,年降水量2434毫米。1786年辟为自由港,为印度一中国航线上的停泊港。后发展成海峡殖民区首府和商业中心。工业居西马来西亚北部地区首位,生产锡、大米、椰油、肥皂、藤竹器、电子仪器等。80年代,横贯西马来西亚北部的东西(北海一哥打巴鲁)大道通车,兴建 8 千米长连结槟城与大陆的槟威大桥,密切了槟城与西海岸带的联系, 扩大了腹地 。 槟城港占全国各港总吞吐量的25%,出口橡胶、棕油、锡与木材,进口燃料、糖与肥料。名胜有龙山堂邱氏宗祠、张弼士别墅、桥生博物馆、蝴蝶公园、蛇庙和极乐寺。岛内设有槟城理科大学和拉曼大学分校。
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