中山东莞船运船务 | |||||
作者:佚名 国际空运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2016-2-28 返回首页 | |||||
可以通过国外代理网络,为国内进口商提供进口海运服务。根据客户要求,在起运港安排集装箱运输,在国内目的港提供整箱提货、拆箱分拨、报关报检、陆空转运等服务。 Now in order to further develop service of hazardous goods transporting, we have set up agreements with several agencies around the world and are capable of operating sea, inland, railways and multi freight of hazardous goods. In 2011 we have set up our airfreight department and signed directly with Beijing Airport. Right now we are one of the few primary airfreight agencies in Qingdao. |
国际空运录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |||||
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