布里斯班货代公司 | |||||
作者:佚名 国际空运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2012-12-21 返回首页 | |||||
Scanwell Logistics provides a worldwide network for all of your air freight needs, with time-defined and guaranteed services supported by preferred carriers. We offer competitive rates for all time and cost requirements. A core element of our air freight service offering is the ability to move single or complex shipments, at any time and to any destination along with our flexible approach and a personalized service to all customers. 布里斯班之名源于殖民时代新南威尔士殖民区总督官的名字。当年在这里发现了一条河,并命名为布里斯班河,以纪念促使这一地区殖民化的当时总督托马斯·麦克都格·布里斯班。城市因此得名。 布里斯班最初叫摩尔顿湾,属新南威尔士州管辖。第一位登陆布里斯班地区的欧洲人是约翰·奥克斯力(John Oxley),他在1823年探索了布里斯班河和摩顿湾。1824年,新南威尔士殖民地的行政长官决定建立流放 |
国际空运录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |||||
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